Medication Therapy Management

At White Heart Pharmacy, we offer Medication Therapy Management service. The program with coordination with your physician, helps determine if the medications you are on is the best drug therapy management for you. The pharmacist will give a comprehensive review of your medications, to detect drug interactions, duplication drug therapy or alternate drug therapy with less disturbing side effects which when all review is done can lead to lower drug cost to you.

The pharmacist will give you a written summary about what you talked about, and it can include a plan of what you can do to ensure that you are getting the best out of the medication.  You can take down the notes and ask follow up questions. You can get a personal medication list, and this includes the medications you take and the reasons you take them.

As part of your Medication Therapy management we will give you a medication list and action plan. You can always carry along with you anytime you want to talk to a health care professional, pharmacist or doctor. You may qualify for the medication therapy management program through your insurance or you can choose to pay out of pocket

With this service, you will be assured of:

  • The optimum therapeutic outcomes through better usage of the medication
  • Reduced risks or side effects
  • The program being developed in cooperation with the licensed pharmacist and the physician
  • Convenience cause our pharmacist always there for you

The goal of the service is to provide needed education to improve the adherence to taking the medication as recommended and to detect adverse drug effects with medication duplication.  The service is not the same as patient counseling because it focuses on all the medications you are on,